
Right Brain Education

A baby's brain develops exponentially in the first three years and they have their Right Brain dominant since birth. While our school environment focuses on Left brain training, it is important for us to stimulate the right brain at the right time, and flashcards is one such tool.

Why flashcards for Right Brain Education?

Flashcards strengthens the inborn ability of our little geniuses and helps in creating a photographic memory. Flashing the cards at a high speed strengthens the neural cords as a lot of information is being processed rapidly hence stimulating the Right and the Left brain.

FlashCards for busy moms

If you are a busy mom and are unsure of how you will be able to take out time for flashing the cards to your child, do not worry! Right brain education just takes 10 minutes of your time.

Here's What you need to do -

  • Try to do atleast 10 cards a day

  • Be Fairly Consistent

  • It is okay if you miss a day or a week or a month. There's nothing to worry!

  • The idea is to strengthen the right brain and not to memorize the cards